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Ignite the urge to write

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Ignite the urge to write

Loved by 1 million students — Join 50,000+ U.S. teachers who already signed up during beta!

The social writing game


Students write in short bursts and provide feedback. The teacher brings their texts to life, helping them deepen their understanding of literacy.


The game format encourages creativity by providing imaginative challenges that make writing fun and interesting.


The anonymous teamwork creates a safe space where students feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes.

Watch it in action

Watch it in action

Made by educators, for educators


With quick 2-5 minute writing challenges, teachers can assess understanding at a glance, leaving more time for student creativity and collaboration while building strong learning outcomes.


We integrate creative, low-stakes writing with educational standards, helping teachers meet benchmarks while fostering students' unique voices and literacy skills.


Our writing challenges keep students engaged and on-task while offering teachers the flexibility to adapt them to their teaching approach. The game’s clear structure simplifies classroom management without compromising on classroom goals.


Students compete anonymously and reflect on their work, with targeted teacher feedback during the finals emphasizing strengths and potential. This motivates improvement while making feedback more manageable.

It works!

What teachers say

What students say

  • "Teaming up and competing makes writing way more fun"


  • "When I look at the pictures, the words just pop into my head"


  • "The time limit makes me focused and super excited."


  • "It's more fun than regular writing, because you get these writing prompts that help your imagination"


  • "I love that it’s a competition"


  • "It’s super fun because you’re part of a writing team, but you don’t even know who they are"


  • "The way of writing is different. I like that"


  • "When my text is displayed, I just go YES inside."


How it works

Step 1: Plan

With our intuitive challenge builder, it is quick and easy to design challenge sets or select from our carefully curated library.

Step 2: Play

Students are automatically divided in random teams, who battle it out to climb the on-screen leaderboard, while you guide and discuss the content.

Step 3: Review

Share team texts aloud in class, with the AI assistant helping to point out literary devices, before the students cast their final votes.

Explore our library of challenges

A decade of teacher-driven innovation

The team behind Poio, the acclaimed reading game that joined forces with Kahoot!

Loved by 1+ million students

Join 50,000+ teachers who already signed up during beta.